- A brief meditation on formal systems and lying goblins
- Anatomy of a Formal Proof
- Building a tiny Linux from scratch
- Try Snapshot Testing for Compilers and Compiler-Like Things
- Operating System in 1,000 Lines - Intro
- About 40 hours (23 min. read)
- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 2): Use of logical clocks in databases
- USB-C head-to-head comparison
- I Thought I Found a Bug…
- Against a universal definition of ‘type’ (pdf)
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- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 1)
- A worked example of copy-and-patch compilation
- Andrew Kelley Practical Data Oriented Design (DoD)
- Problem Driven Development
- Post-apocalyptic programming
- Snapshot Isolation vs Serializability
- Goodhart's Law Isn't as Useful as You Might Think
- On btrfs and memory corruption
- Chi-Squared From Fundamentals
- Bayesian reasoning
- Utilizing highly synchronized clocks in distributed databases
- Parkinson's Law: It's Real, So Use It
- Property-testing async code in Rust to build reliable distributed systems
- An Intuitive Explanation of Bayes's Theorem
- Bayes theorem, and making probability intuitive – by 3Blue1Brown
- Trapped Priors As A Basic Problem Of Rationality
- An Introduction To Bayesian Inference
- SemVer Is Not About You Nov 23, 2024
- Database mocks are just not worth it
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- Technical Debt is Entropy In Software
- On Ada's Dependent Types, and its Types as a Whole
- Intel's $475 million error: the silicon behind the Pentium division bug
- Morris Chang and the Origins of TSMC - by Brian Potter
Morris Chang and the Origins of TSMC
- Implementing and Verifying "Static Program Analysis" in Agda, Part 1: Lattices
- Reads causing writes in Postgres
- Server-Sent Events (SSE) Are Underrated
- seconds since the Epoch
- Deliver the Bare Minimum
- On long term software development: caring (enough) about the future
- How bloom filters made SQLite 10x faster
- Ideas from "A Philosophy of Software Design"
- The Canva outage: another tale of saturation and resilience
- UIs Should Be Versioned, Just Like We Version APIs
- Notes From Figma II: Engineering Learnings
- Turing Machines
- Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 1: Semigroup Intro
- Energy Cheat Sheet - by Brian Potter - Construction Physics
Energy Cheat Sheet
- An Introduction to Residuality Theory - Barry O'Reilly - CPH DevFest 2024
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Pushing AMD’s Infinity Fabric to its Limits
- "Performance Matters" by Emery Berger
- (Mostly) Deterministic Simulation Testing in Go
- (1) How We Built a Self-Healing System to Survive a Terrifying Concurrency Bug At Netflix
How We Built a Self-Healing System to Survive a Terrifying Concurrency Bug At Netflix
- How We Got the Lithium-Ion Battery - by Brian Potter
How We Got the Lithium-ion Battery
- Your lying virtual eyes
- Common Misconceptions about Compilers
- Networking For People Who Don't Network
- Implementing Raft: Part 0 - Introduction
- Lou's Pseudo 3d Page
- A CAP tradeoff in the wild
- Distributed Systems Horror Stories: Kubernetes Deep Health Checks
- Modern Hardware for Future Databases
- Dependent Types and the Art of HTTP Headers
- The Structure of a Worldview - by Regan
The Structure of a Worldview
- On the Relationship Between Static Analysis and Type Theory
- The disaggregated write-ahead log
- Model checking safety of Ben-Or's Byzantine consensus with Apalache
- A Map of Sync
- Optimizers: The Low-Key MVP
- How Public Key Cryptography Really Works | Quanta Magazine
- Implementing Type Systems as Macros
- PSA: Most databases do not do checksums by default
- Extending MVCC to be serializable, in TLA+
- CAP is Good, Actually
- lorentz app
- The Prequel to SQL is SEQUEL
- Transaction Isolation in Postgres, explained
- Two-phase commit and beyond
- The Soul of an Old Machine: Revisiting the von Neumann Architecture
- SQLite Index Visualization: Search
- Using Nix to Try Tools
- Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go)
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Disillusioning the Magic of the fork System Call
- Quake 3 Source Code Review: Network Model (Part 3 of 5) >>
- Analytics-Optimized Concurrent Transactions
- Playground Wisdom: Threads Beat Async/Await
- An Overview of Distributed PostgreSQL Architectures
- A Brief Introduction to Linear Types
- Checking linearizability in Go
- What To Use Instead of PGP
- How LLMs work
- LevelDB Explained - How to Analyze the Time Complexity of SkipLists?
- githublog/2024/11/1/ at main · francisrstokes/githublog · GitHub
- Why I Will Always Be Angry About Software Engineering
- One thought on “Reading the Generalized Isolation Level Definitions paper with Alloy”
- Exploring Postgres's arena allocator by writing an HTTP server from scratch
- Data Modeling with Sums and Products
- Compilers: Incrementally and Extensibly
- Hey, wait – is employee performance really Gaussian distributed??
- Category Theory in Programming
- Crash Course on Notation in Programming Language Theory
- Fairness in TLA+
- Lamport clocks
- Build your own SQLite
- User Interface with Ant Tweak Bar
- The Lost Reading Items
- Linearizability in distributed systems
- Damas-Hindley-Milner inference two ways
- Surfing Complexity
- Solving the Mystery of ARM7TDMI Multiply Carry Flag
- There is No Now - ACM Queue
- Notes/Primer on Clang Compiler Frontend (1) : Introduction and Architecture - Youssef Ateya
- naklecha/llama3-from-scratch: llama3 implementation one matrix multiplication at a time
- Efficient and Insightful Generalization
- HTTP/1.0 From Scratch
- HTTP/0.9 From Scratch
- A Visual Guide to Quantization - by Maarten Grootendorst
- React Compiler, How Does It Work? [1] - Entry Point through Babel Plugin | 장용석 블로그
- Learning about PCI-e: Driver & DMA
- Introduction · Reverse Engineering
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series
- Intro | Putting the "You" in CPU
- Build your own SQLite, Part 1: Listing tables
- Learning LLVM (Part-2)
- RFC 677: Maintenance of duplicate databases
- How to Create a Liquid Raymarching Scene Using Three.js Shading Language | Codrops
- Linear Algebra Fundamentals
- A Race to the Bottom - Database Transactions Undermining Your AppSec · Doyensec's Blog
- CSS GPU Animation: Doing It Right — Smashing Magazine
- Welcome … — Physics-based Deep Learning
- Modeling B-trees in TLA+ – Surfing Complexity
- Trying Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Practice - Casey Primozic's Homepage
- Neo Geo Architecture | A Practical Analysis
- A snapshot isolated database modeling in TLA+
- TLA+ modeling of a single replicaset transaction modeling
- Hermitage: Testing the “I” in ACID — Martin Kleppmann’s blog
- malloc
- making regex from scratch in GO - Lewis Metcalf
- Virtualization Internals Part 1 - Intro to Virtualization | Saferwall
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- Using d8 · V8
- Understanding V8's Bytecode
- Say Hello to 1-based indexing in JavaScript!
- Writing an IR from Scratch and survive to write a post - Eduardo Blázquez’s Personal Webpage
- Writing My Own Database From Scratch
- Introduction - Habitual Mastery (Series) - Scott H Young
- Spaced Repetition for Efficient Learning ·
- Let's write a video game from scratch like it's 1987
- 500 Lines or LessAn Archaeology-Inspired Database
- Ownership
- Always Measure One Level Deeper – Communications of the ACM
- Exponentially Better Rotations
- Scratchapixel 4.0, Learn Computer Graphics Programming
- NULL BITMAP Builds a Database #1: The Log is Literally the Database • Buttondown
- Mediocre Engineer’s guide to HTTPS
- The Back-to-Basics Readings of 2012 | All Things Distributed
- A Road to Common Lisp / Steve Losh
- Implementing MVCC and major SQL transaction isolation levels |
- ISP Column - April 2024
- adam-maj/tiny-gpu: A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
- Parsing and all that
- Do you really need IPv4 anymore?
- Garbage Collection for Systems Programmers
- Optimizing Javascript for fun and for profit
- Type system of the React compiler
- Sega Saturn Architecture | A Practical Analysis
- So you think you want to write a deterministic hypervisor?
- The Beginner’s Guide to Queuing theory | Qminder
- Design is an Island - by Kent Beck
- Tecno S8C
- What are 1-bit LLMs?. The Era of 1-bit LLMs with BitNet b1.58 | by Mehul Gupta | Data Science in your pocket | Mar, 2024 | Medium
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- The CAP Theorem. The Bad, the Bad, & the Ugly | Dominik Tornow
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- Airfoil – Bartosz Ciechanowski
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- Understanding GPU caches – RasterGrid
- Demystifying GPUs for CPU-centric programmers | Medium
- Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
- 2024-02-25 a history of the tty
- Build your own Database Index: part 1
- Software infrastructure 2.0: a wishlist · Erik Bernhardsson
- Bloom Filters
- Distributed Logical Time
- An intuition for distributed consensus in OLTP systems |
- Demystifying GPU Compute Architectures - by Babbage